At White Beard's Pool Care, we're dedicated to providing top-quality pool care services to our local community. Our expert team is committed to delivering the highest level of service and attention to detail, ensuring that your pool is always in top condition. Contact us today and let us take care of all your pool needs.
Bronze Package
Weekly Or Bi-weekly Visits
Equipment Inspections
Empty Skimmer Baskets
Test Total Alkalinity, pH, And Chlorine Every Visit
Test Calcium, Stabilizer, And Salt Every 4 Weeks
Chemicals Are An Additional Charge
*Price may vary due to chemicals and trip distance. Minimum Pricing is shown.
Green to Clean
Equipment Inspections
Repair/Replacement Recommendations
Empty Skimmer Baskets
Empty Pump Baskets
Backwash Filter If Needed
Floating Debris Removal
Acid Wash Salt Cell If Needed
Chemicals Needed To Clean Algae Included. Chemicals Needed To Properly Balance Water Is An Additional Charge.
*Price may vary due to chemicals, size of pool, severity, and trip distance. Minimum Pricing is shown.
Silver Package
All Perks Of Bronze Package
Empty Pump Baskets
Backwash Filter If Needed
Water Line Brushing
Floating Debris Removal
Free Labor On Small Repairs During Normal Visits
Acid Wash Salt Cell If Needed
Algae Free Guarantee
Chemicals Are An Additional Charge
*Price may vary due to chemicals, size of pool, and trip distance. Minimum Pricing is shown.
One Time Service
Equipment Inspections
Repair/Replacement Recommendations
Empty Pump Baskets
Empty Skimmer Baskets
Backwash Filter If Needed
Water Line Brushing
Floating Debris Removal
Acid Wash Salt Cell If Needed
Test And Balance All Chemical Levels
Chemicals are an additional charge
*Price may vary due to chemicals, size of pool, and trip distance. Minimum Pricing is shown.
Gold Package
All Perks Of Silver Package
Chemicals Are Included In Pricing
*Price may vary due to size of pool and trip distance. Minimum Pricing is shown.
Equipment Service
Cartridge Filter Cleaning
Sand Media Replacements
DE Filter Cleaning
Repair/Replacement Recommendations
Pump/Filter Replacements/Installations
*Price may vary due to equipment size and trip distance. Minimum Pricing is shown